Route of the 9th Night Praski Half Marathon

We got it! We are proud to present the official route of the 9th Night Praski Half Marathon! It will be fast, flat, perfect for breaking records and achieving your goals! The route is certified by the Polish Athletics Association and the World Athletics Label certificate. All those who started on this route last year will have the opportunity to improve their results. We start traditionally from the PGE Narodowy field, then the route leads through Praga Północ, then Wał Miedzeszyński to Gocław. The ending is at the charming Saska Kępa and Francuska Street.

There will be 4 points along the route with Cisowianka water, Dr.Witt isotonic drinks and bananas (at the 3rd and 4th point, approximately every 5 km). Additionally, the race will be made more enjoyable by musical points and loud cheering from fans! We also took care of a unique setting for the start and finish, where all runners will be accompanied by fireworks and lasers.